
How can I integrate online tests on my website?

Thu 19th Apr 2012< Back to Blogs and Tutorials

So... You want to start conducting exams online. You know that by creating web-based tests, and then having users take the tests online will be a big time saver. Online test results are calculated accurately and instantly taking time and effort out of your assessment process. This means you'll have more time to do other, more important things.

If you're going to build your assessments online, you also want your tests to include organization branding. And you might also be keen for test results to be stored within your own database via an automatic feed - after all, who wants to sit down and copy results from one system to another?

Given all these requirements you might think you need a software developer to build a bespoke online test and training system for your organization that will be compatible with your existing systems. What this really means is: Hours of meetings defining your requirements and clarifying questions about functionality; weeks or months working with a developer going through several iterations before you get what you need; and, most importantly, it means thousands of dollars spent.

So what if I told you there's an online assessment system out there, ready and waiting, that can do everything you need? Excited? Thought you might be. Why reinvent the wheel? Save time and money with ClassMarker, your solution to creating and distributing tests online.

With ClassMarker you can build up banks of questions and tests, you can distribute your test via your own website or intranet and you can feed results data directly to your database.

Read more about integrating online tests with ClassMarker here.

Did you know that you can register for free with ClassMarker in a matter of minutes? Join the future of online testing today.

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