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Free Exam: 2011 (Product Development & Positioning Short Answer)

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Question 1
Copy and paste the following URL into a new web browser: [color=blue]http://money.cnn.com/2011/05/26/technology/google_wallet/index.htm[/color]

The link will allow you to read the article about [b]Google Wallet[/b] and answer the questions below:

1) Which [i]Utility[/i] will Google Wallet depend on most? Why is this more important than the other forms of utility?

2) Which of the [i]8 Stages of Product Development[/i] do you think would be most important to the success of this new [i]service[/i]? Make reference to the article to support your claim.

3) Is this service an invention or innovation? Provide proof to support your choice.
Type: Essay
Points: 10
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