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Free Exam: Practice Test 1

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Question 1
(1) Jokes were made up their usefulness; people bought them and then had nothing for these machines to do. (2) In the early 1980`s, cartoons made fun of the newest house hold fad the personal computer. (3) Other than students, most people didn't word process at home at all, and the personal computer was a pretty expensive recipe box or rolodex for storing phone numbers. (4) Mainly, the computer sat idle after a few weeks. (5) The first primitive games and elementary software applications were less entertaining than TV. (6) And after a while, the VCR looked like the newest universal home technological appliance. (7) Now the DVD is replacing the VCR. (8) How life has changed! (9) The computer has now become an essential item in our homes. (10) With the evolution ushered into our homes, the computer has altered our involvement in commerce, education, communication, and entertainment in mere leaps of inventiveness that continues to astound. (11) Once the computer couldn't keep up with our lives, now we can barely keep up with it. (12) An invention that we though would soon fall by the way side has left many people behind as it rapidly changes many aspects of our lives.

Select arrangement of sentence 1, 2 and 3 that provides the most logical sentence of ideas and supporting details in the paragraph. If no change is needed select option "a".
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: No
Question 2
(1)We experience a gradual rise of energy in the morning, peaking around noon. (2)At noon people should go to the gym, just before having lunch. (3)There is a slow decline in energy in the midafternoon with a second peak early in the evening. (4)This is followed by a steady decline in energy until bedtime. (5)Everyone experiences these energy patterns. (6)They are a part of daily life.

Choose the best topic sentence for the passage.
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: No
Question 3
(1)We experience a gradual rise of energy in the morning, peaking around noon. (2)At noon people should go to the gym, just before having lunch. (3)There is a slow decline in energy in the midafternoon with a second peak early in the evening. (4)This is followed by a steady decline in energy until bedtime. (5)Everyone experiences these energy patterns. (6)They are a part of daily life.

Which numbered sentence is the least relevant to the passage?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: No
Question 4
Excitement over the discovery of primitive tools in thousands of years ago emphasizes the importance of the tools often taken for granted. (2) Now as in the past, tools play a fundamental role in improving societies. (3) Certainly, computers illustrate far reaching impact technological tools have had on how many tasks are implemented in various skills. (4) Similarly medical tools such as lasers for surgery, magnetic resonance imaging for tests, and monitors for recording heart beat patterns-help in advances that have extended the lifespan of many patients.(5) Moreover the simulators used to train both civilian and military pilots and the infrared devices that allow nighttime exploration are tools that have reduced the risks of potentially dangerous assignments. (6) In addition, the robots that perform difficult routines like installing engines in automotive assembly lines have reduced the risk of injury and have increased productivity. (7) Of course, these tools may require fewer workers and eliminate some workers jobs altogether. (8) People must continually strive to acquire these skills that will enable them to use these complex tools in an effective knowledgeable manner.

Which numbered sentence is least relevant to the passage?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: No
Question 5
Duncan, Marsh Seedless, and Thompson Pink are strains of grapefruit grown in Florida. (2) Duncan is considered to be superior in flavor to other groups of fruit; Duncan grows long and has thick yellow skin, some seeds, and white, pink flesh. (3) Significantly different from the Duncan in appearance, the Marsh Seedless is medium to large size and is usually flattened at the ends. (4) The skin of the Marsh is yellow, small, and thin; its flesh is white and nearly seedless. (5) A rotation of the Marsh Seedless, the Thompson Pink is similar to the original in taste, but it has a different appearance. (6) Each of these three varieties of fruit is used for clear fruits juice and concentrate. (7) Like grapefruits, oranges are also divided into several groups and are grown the same way. (8) Harvest dates are September to June for the Duncan, the other varieties, the Marsh and the Thompson, ripen either in the fall and are picked in June. (9) Although Texas and California produce grapefruit, Florida is the main area where these three priced strains are commercially grown.

Select the arrangement for sentences 3, 4 and 5 that provide the most logical sequence of ideas by immediate supporting details of the paragraph. If no change is needed collect option "a".
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: No
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