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Free Exam: Account Optimization Officer

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Question 1
Instructions: Assuming the role of the chat agent, summarize the conversation detailing important information needed to assist the account manager to convert this to a successful sales lead.

Welcome Message : Welcome to Embracia! How can I assist you today?

Visitor : Good morning Aubrey,

Agent : Hi!

Agent : How can I assist you please?

Visitor : My name is Jenny Smith and my family is beginning to find suitable accommodation for our 86 year old father who is presently in the Kingston centre. He suffers from dementia and is presently very feeble and has been assessed as high care. I have had a dear friend who was in Golden Acres on the Park which was a lovely home and I was hoping that we could consider this for our father (in law). Is it possible to arrange to inspect the facility and talk to someone further. 

Agent : Let me assist you with that.

Visitor : Should I phone you or provide contact details for someone to call us?

Agent : Bookings take an average of 45 minutes but may take longer.

Agent : Let me have one of our customer service people contact you to confirm the booking and help you with the questions regarding costs as well.

Agent : What's the best number to call you on Jenny?

Agent : Dementia specific care is able to be catered for, depending on room availability. This availability varies from home to home.

Visitor : My father in law is Dave Smith and he presently resides in Pasig City. His wife, Methilda, is 85 but in good health so we would like something reasonably close and accessible for her. My contact number is 123456789.

Agent : Thanks Jenny, I'll let the Customer Representative know about that. Can I have your email address as an alternate way to contact you? 

Visitor : email is email@example.com

Agent : Alright. By the way, when would be the most convenient time for you to have a tour of our facility?

Visitor : I would be grateful if it could be arranged as soon as possible. Tomorrow I am not available from 11 til 1 pm and work on a Wednesday but am available all other times.

Agent : Alright Jenny. Thank you! I'll now forward your details to our team so that they can get back to you for further assistance. 

Agent : Rest assured that someone will get in touch with you within 24 hours for further assistance. 

Agent : If there is anything else I can assist you with please let me know. We are online 24/7! Bye :)

Visitor : Thanks for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from your team.

Agent : You're welcome Jenny! We're more than happy to assist you. 



Type: Essay
Points: 1
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